Prayer meeting 23.08.10

Matthew 18: 23-35

A servant owes his King 10,000 talents. The king insists on full and immediate payment or the sale of the servant and his family. The servant then begs for mercy and time to pay.

The king is merciful and wipes out the debt. (This is the death of Jesus)

The forgiven servant then goes out and finds another servant who owes him about 1.6% of the amount he owed the king!!! When the fellow servant begs for mercy, the servant who was forgiven by the king has him thrown into the debtors prison. The debtors prison was in fact a life sentence as there could be little chance of paying the debt off as they could no longer earn any money. In fact they were reliant on relatives bringing them food etc. Some Egyptian jails are the closest we have today to the conditions which prevailed in prisons in those days.

When the king hears of what the forgiven servant has done he has him thrown into prison. Because the servant did not forgive.

To me this pictures the separation between us and God if we continue to deliberately sin, and not forgiving others when we have been forgiven, is in itself sin.

That separation will be complete and eternal!

Forgiveness is divine